Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hello! How are you?

Been too busy to scratch here, I'm cleaning up a PAC mess (haven't filed taxes in 7 years!!!) , Kylie and Scott have been sick, trying to get my own tax papers together, and all of this is seriously cutting into my sewing/crafting time.

Today, I'm cleaning floors, folding laundry, getting an oil change, sorting through PAC paperwork and compiling a financial statement for my company. Yay. I wish I could say that I keep on top of this tax stuff all year long so that it's not such a big job in March, but it doesn't work that way. Oh long as it gets done, right?
And we are still up to our arses in snow. I'm looking at beautiful spring pictures on other blogs and wondering...will winter every go away? I'm really getting the bug to sew cute spring/summer clothes for Sam.

Later, tater :) .


Cori said...

Hey, so that means I can ignore doing my PAC taxes for 7 years, too!! Yippee!!!

Kylie's Mom said...

LOL! Ah, the perks of being a non-profit society...

Coolcook said...

I hate tax time, I always have to pay.