So...yeah. I love summer, I don't have to do squat if I don't feel like it, other than maintain the cleanliness of our castle. Even that suffers most days lol.
The kids are getting along better than they did last summer, so I am not a frazzled mess most days. Tomorrow is Scott's first day back at work, so we are going to bring him a picnic lunch. His building has a really great rooftop terrace.
Anyway, here is the link to see our Maui pics: . It's so much easier to post to FB than Blogger, and it's set for 'friends of friends' so I believe acquaintances should be able to see it as well. I'm not sure how long I'll keep those settings.
Sam is napping on the couch while the big kids are watching tv and I'm off to work in a few minutes. Have a great Sunday :) .