Tuesday, August 3, 2010

OK...better now :)

So I'm better now lol. Felt good to get that bitchy post out. I didn't mean it to sound like I don't have a heart and don't want to encourage friendship skills amongst everyone, I just don't see why someone wouldn't let their kids have alone time with their friends without forcing another kid in. Well, I see why...they want a break. But every. single. time?? Ah, forget it. Not worth getting my panties all twisted over.

I've been to Value Village 3x in as many days. Scott and I had a date night on Saturday evening, so of course we went thrift shopping. The only other choice was to head to Home Depot but that sounded really boring. Anyway, I didn't buy much that night but decided there were a few things that I should have bought so I had to go back for: a set of 3 nesting Pyrex bowls in a great shade of Harvest Gold for my sister and a really cute West 49 hoodie for Kylie with teeny tiny robots all over it. I also got some Hurley skinnies for Jake and 4 pairs of excellent-shape skinnies for Kylie for school. Now all that is left on her school-shopping list is a pair of long yoga pants. Score.

Today, we are sanding and painting a Nerf gun for Sam. Jake gave her one of his old guns and she wants it to be pink...I thought that would be a good project for Jake. We haven't had a good Nerf war in a while: the kind where assorted aunties, uncles and cousins come over and we pile lawn chairs all over the yard for hiding behind and then we have to spend an hour looking for darts in the neighbour's yard lol. I don't play...I watch from the kitchen window and make coffee lol. I think we might go to a cheapo movie today, and I have a bunch of laundry to fold. Jacob did the socks, towels and cloth napkins last night. Kylie will help me with the rest of the folding today.

I still haven't finished painting my kitchen...although I have cemented a theme :) . It was between "Zombies in Springtime" and "Zombies in Paris"...but as my SIL pointed in out, why limit myself? It could be "Zombies in Springtime in Paris" and could be AWESOME. Now...how to carry that out? I need a zombie calendar...hmm. Need to Google that.

*Yawn*...gotta get breakfast. Have a great day, everyone :)

1 comment:

Mackey said...

Glad you are feeling better & your panties are unknotted=)