I don't feel like blogging much lately...don't feel like doing much of anything (whoops, I said that in my last post, didn't I?). But, as with most things lately, I have to make myself do it, so here goes:
We didn't have a very eventful weekend, pretty boring actually. Friday night, we met Scott for supper at the BP's downtown. He was working late, and the kids think it's fun to meet Dad where he works. The service was so horrible and so slow that, for the first time in about 5 years, we didn't leave a tip. Not even a penny extra on our bill. I sort of feel bad about it, but this server was horrible. He stood around yakking with the female servers all evening. I had to go to the front desk to ask for crayons because he never returned after I asked him, I had to get Jake a glass of water myself from the nearby drink station, and Scott spilled some salsa that never got cleaned up. Ew. I found some extra napkins on another table and cleaned up the floor myself so that the kids didn't have to walk through it when we left. I know there's a labour shortage in Alberta, but at least do the job that you've taken, you know? It's one thing if you're running your bum off, doing the best you can when you're overworked because there aren't enough servers...quite another if someone is just lazy. I always leave a restaurant lately, thinking: why on earth did I pay so much for that little food? Ridiculous.
Saturday, I again sold Grey Cup pool tickets at a local Sobey's. It was fun, but a long day. My friend Kathy sat with me and we laughed about silly things in between sales. I'm not sure that this fundraiser was a success...I don't think we made more than the prizes that we will be paying out. Oh well, it was a learning experience and I'm glad I participated for that reason. We made a few bucks to do some fun things for the kids at school and that's what's important.
Sunday was a lazy day, not doing much of anything. Scott and Jacob played Wii for a while, and then Jacob's friend came to visit. Sam was asleep, so Scott and I had a little nap on the couch (maybe 10 minutes, but I slept so hard that it felt more like an hour. I think I'm coming down with something). That evening, we went to my mom's, where we made stromboli for supper...OMG, it was the best *ever*. My brother and his kids were there, so it was a full house. That night, Scott's good friend called and asked him to be a groomsman at his wedding this summer. He is the last of our friends to get married (at 41 years of age) and this, just after we learned that the last of our friends to get married in the mid 90's are getting divorced. This leaves Scott and I, the last couple standing of 6 couples. That's sad, but I guess it's just the way that it happens. The last 2 couples that we heard about were quite shocking...they were the kind of couples that you think were meant to be, you know? Sad. Anyway, I hope Neil and his fiance register somewhere...the frugal gift-giver in me wants to get my hands on the registry ASAP and keep my eye out for sales on whatever items they chose. Otherwise I'll buy a gift card for a restaurant with airmiles...they're living together and are building a house soon, so they have everything.
Sam is sleeping right now, and I'm going to go cut out a blouse for Scott's Christmas party in a couple of weeks. We've already taken Gramma to WalMart for a few things so now we are home for the day. Gosh, it's cold outside...no snow, but it sure feels like winter out there.
Holy smokes, that was a long post for someone who doesn't feel like blogging lately, hey lol?
Have a good day, everyone :D .